… and you will call it fate

with theatrical adaptation

Marco Tullio Barboni

In the Amazon international circuit

“Until you make the unconscious conscious,it will direct your life and you will call it fate”
Carl Gustav Jung

The conscious vs. the unconscious

Like two famous show characters, from the most famous show of all: life.

A tête-à-tête recounted as never before. A brisk, startling and cheeky, reveal-all (and then some) exchange

between two entities that have been dealt the greatest of responsibilities: making up their mind.

Whether to talk or be silent, whether to love or hate, fight or flee.

Locked in a no-holds-barred battle of wits, Oscar and Felix are the spokesmen

of the Conscious and the Unconscious occupying George Martini.

The upshot is the story of a life, which in turn is a metaphor of millions of other lives, even our own.

A unique style for a great read that flows before our eyes like a film.

They said

Sigmund Freud

The pyschic processes in the unconscious are not entirely identical with those known to us from our conscious psychic life, but have the benefit of certain notable liberties of which the latter are deprived.

Karl Kraus

According to recent investigations, the unconscious is a sort of cognitive ghetto – a home for homeless thoughts. Alas, many thoughts are now home-sick.

Robert M. Williams

If the conscious mind desires a goal the subconscious mind disagrees with, guess which mind usually wins the contest!

Daniel Kahneman

“System 1” and “System 2″… the unconscious and the conscious… as a psychodrama with two characters.

Sigmund Freud

we can say everything,
even the truth.

The Author

Conscious vs. Unconscious. Seen as two celebrated performers. Of the most celebrated of the shows: that of life. A face-to-face tale never told before.


Marco Tullio Barboni was born in Rome where he lives and works. Scriptwriter and director, he represents the third generation of a family working “in the flicks,” after his Uncle Leonida, Anna Magnani’s favorite director of photography, Anna Magnani, and his father Enzo, creator, under the pseudonym E.B. Clucher, of the Terence Hill and Bud Spencer sagas. After a brief experience as assistant director, Marco Tullio attains a degree with honors in Political Science at “La Sapienza” University of Rome, where, after discussing his thesis on cinema censorship with supervisor Prof. Aldo Moro, he begins his professional activity as writer for cinema and TV.
After more than fifty projects, including films, shorts and TV movies, “… and you will call it fate” represents his debut in the publishing world.


  • Prof. Domenico Mazzullo

Legend would have it that Sigmund Freud, father of psychoanalysis was terribly envious of his fellow citizen and contemporary Arthur Schnitzler, he too a physician, but more famous as a playwright and novelist, and that he had always refused to meet him. The cause of this envy, by admission of the selfsame Freud, was the fact that Schnitzler’s stories and novels were more fascinating than his clinical cases and that Schnitzler’s made-up characters were “truer” than his flesh and blood patients. I too, as a psychiatrist, am prey to an invincible envy towards one, who though a layman, can masterfully penetrate the human soul and describe its meanderings. Alas, I must admit that yet again I have felt the twinge of envy reading the work of MarcoTullio Barboni “… And you will call it fate” who, with his writing has managed to conjugate and combine two particularly complex themes very dear to me, those of the unconscious and destiny. The unconscious and destiny which, as Karl Gustav Jung said, are perhaps one and the same thing, depending on one’s perspective. We must give credit to the Author and his brilliant literary effort for having created this admirable synthesis.

  • Bud Spencer

Marco Tullio’s cogent and well-structured work analyzes with erudition and depth, aspects and mechanisms of life that influence the destiny of every human being, capable of sentiments and emotions, qualities increasingly rare these days. The author’s interesting approach also led me to reflect upon my personal experiences and to analyze, now that I have the age and time to do so, the sequences of my existence which have been studded with such a variety and number of serendipitous events, the logic of which has always escaped me. Especially regarding the impossibility of solving the age-old dilemma: is a human being capable of determining his destiny or despite ourselves are we unwitting actors of a pre-written plan? As of centuries, great philosophers and thinkers have pondered the question and a reading of “… and you will call it fate” will surely be a help in solving the enigma.

  • Recensione giuria Annual Writer’s Digest Book Awards

Splendida recensione USA per “…and you will call it faith” di Marco Tullio Barboni. Dopo l’inaspettato successo all’interno dell’American Book Festival per la versione americana di “…e lo chiamerai destino” di Marco Tullio Barboni (Edizioni Kappa), dove il volume è arrivato in finale da vero outsider con il titolo di “…and you will call it faith”, il medesimo libro ha conquistato una ampia visibilità anche al 27th Annual Writer’s Digest Book Awards, alla cui giuria si deve la seguente lusinghiera recensione: “Ricorda il formato di una sceneggiatura senza la scena, il che funziona bene per come la storia viene raccontata. Il ritmo rimane costante per tutta la storia. Non ci sono momenti di alti e bassi; comunque ci sono degli attimi di energia. La storia è in ordine cronologico, rendendola facile da leggere. Viene fatto uso di una lingua straniera, che non è una cosa cattiva ma fa fermare il lettore per capire cosa sta dicendo il personaggio (attraverso le note a piè di pagina).
Certe volte la possibilità di seguire il il discorso tra Felix e Oscar sulla vita di George si impasta con un dibattito trai due per decidere chi ha torto o ragione. Infatti, Felix lo spiega perfettamente a pag.188, sesto paragrafo “Bythe way, we’d better get back on the chronological track. Because, each time we start up again, the events get all mixed up: one piled on top of the other.”Questo è come il lettore si sente in certe parti della storia. (…) La storia in generale è un’idea unica, mi ha ricordato delle storie di Platone su Socrate, o almeno come i filosofi portavano all’attenzione le loro idee, solo che questo viene fatto in una maniera più semplice in modo che il pubblico capisca meglio. Non c’è un chiaro antagonista o protagonista, che funziona bene per la trama. Non c’è un vero sviluppo del personaggio, dato che sembra più un dibattito su chi (il conscio o l’inconscio) ha ragione o torto, o almeno chi è il responsabile della situazione attuale di George.
La storia finisce senza una soluzione chiara sulla relazione tra subconscio e conscio, ma lascia il lettore a credere che George si è svegliato e che il conscio ha imparato qualcosa dal subconscio. Se questo ha un’influenza sulla vita di George non si sa. Le cose migliori del libro sono la trama e l’idea in sè. Una discussione fra subconscio e conscio su chi ha ragione e chi ha torto. Il gioco sulla psicologia and alcune delle ideologie dei maestri sono fatti in un modo unico e interessante. Il setting è ben pensato, dato che è solo una panchina con Felice e Oscar. Nel complesso, l’autore è chiaramente sceso nei minuscoli dettagli per raccontare la storia nel mondo giusto”.
Inoltre, per la struttura e l’organizzazione, su un range di 5 punti, il volume del Barboni ne ha conquistati ben 4, così come per la grammatica e lo spelling, e per lo sviluppo del personaggio e lo stile di scrittura. Votazione massima, infine, per la trama e l’appeal generale del romanzo che, lo ricordiamo, è stato un esordio letterario.

Interview with the author

Tour’s stops

Some stages of the tour that has met with great success with audiences and critics.

October 26, 2016
In the Sala Teresina Degan in Pordenone, at the circle of Culture and the Arts of Pordenone, in collaboration with the Lions Club Naonis, under the direction of the journalist Max Rizzotto.

November 11, 2016
Cultural appointment in the capital at the MONDADORI LIBRARY in Via Piave, the journalist and literary critic Andrea Menaglia illustrates the first work.


August 2018. Earns two mentions in the context of the SALVATORE QUASIMODO INTERNATIONAL AWARD: one for the book and one for the theatrical adaptation of the same.

 September 2018. Awarded the PREMIO LETTERARIO MONTEFIORE within the open-theme section for Narratives, Poetry or Essays written in vernacular Italian or a foreign language . Receives the first place award ex aequo with another illustrious protagonist, the Italian journalist and essayist Andrea Scanzi, author of “Renzusconi.”

November 2018. Earns the Diploma of Honor with Commendation Mention at the Michelangelo Buonarroti International Literary Award 2018.

April 2019. Earns the “Mention of Merit” at the Giglio Blu International Award in Florence 2019.

April 2019. The adaptation for the theater of “…and you will call it destiny” wins the Special Jury Prize at the Teatro Aurelio Literary Award 2019.

May 2019. Gold Medal of Merit. Winner of published works of the final selection of the Medusa Aurea international trophy 42nd edition.

June 2019. Figurative Literary Award “Caffè delle Arti VI edition”. Jury Prize for published fiction.

August 2019. Finalist – American Fiction Awards 2019 for the General Fiction category.

October 2019. Winner of the Dramaturgy Section – Contemporary Author Text of the Tragos European Competition for Theater and Dramaturgy.